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'Wouldn't It Be Good' if I had someone to bounce ideas off, or to help me whenever I need it.
‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’ if I had a really experienced business person to help me on a permanent, but part-time basis.
‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’ if I didn’t have to pay the earth to have that help.
Running a business successfully is tough. How often do you wish you had someone to turn to who was independent and also had the experience of running a business just like yours?
Having someone who will give impartial support in this way, is of immeasurable value - it can make the difference to the future success achieved.
RMC's Growing Business Support Scheme provides exactly the help needed, and at a very modest and affordable cost.  A RMC executive will work 'permanently' with you for the equivalence of one day per month (more if needed); to provide the personal help needed to drive the company forward.
He or she will be there to offer advice, opinions, or to help solve problems.   RMC can match its executive resource base exactly with the needs of the business, to ensure a good fit in terms of background, skillbase and personality.  Personal chemistry is always important, and RMC will work with you to ensure the right match.

For the modest monthly fee of £600 plus VAT, the Scheme provides:
The 'permanent' services of the selected RMC executive for the equivalent of one day per month (extendable by agreement).
Free telephone advice on any business issue - provided by RMC executives specialising in that area.
Preferential access to all the services and expertise network provided by the CMR Group.
Corporate membership of the CMR Group Buying Programme, which provides significant discounts on items such as PPP Healthcare, travel insurance, etc.
Whilst the intention would be for the arrangement with RMC to be permanent, the ability to cancel or request a change of personnel at anytime leaves you with complete control.

For more information or to discuss the subject further, please contact RMC Head Office or RMC's local representative.

Venture capital | Business funding | Executive Recruitment | Management Provider | Senior Executive Network | Investor and Corporate Ventures
Interim Management and Consultancy | Business Propositions | Executive Appointments | Businesses Entrepreneur and Innovators
Management Support and Consultancy | Mergers and Acquisitions | Company Sales | Business Planning Service

Cavendish Management Resources
31 Harley Street,
London W1G 9QS
Tel: 020 7636 1744 Fax: 020 7636 5639
Email: cmr@cmruk.com