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'Wouldn't It Be Good' if we knew that all the significant risks to our business were identified and covered.
'Wouldn't It Be Good' if we could get INDEPENDENT advice on the insurance cover we need, and to know the most cost-effective way of obtaining that cover.
'Wouldn't It Be Good' if we could get impartial advice on other important 'financial services' products, such as pensions, keyman cover, liability insurance, and many others.

RMC provides impartial advice on all aspects of risk management, insurance and financial service products.

RMC operates through a network of hundreds of highly experienced, independent executives.

Those providing RMC's services in this area will have the required certification and authorisation to deal with financial service products as appropriate.

To know that the company is well protected against any significant risks can bring peace-of-mind, and the knowledge that the company's affairs are being well managed.  A call to RMC will bring that confidence.

It is also good to know that you are not over-paying for insurance cover.  Also that the cover is appropriate and adequate to cover the needs of the business and its shareholders.

RMC works on the basis of charging a moderate fee for its advice – it takes no commission from insurance companies or others – which means that the advice given is impartial and always cost effective.

For more information, please contact RMC Head Office or RMC's local representative

Venture capital | Business funding | Executive Recruitment | Management Provider | Senior Executive Network | Investor and Corporate Ventures
Interim Management and Consultancy | Business Propositions | Executive Appointments | Businesses Entrepreneur and Innovators
Management Support and Consultancy | Mergers and Acquisitions | Company Sales | Business Planning Service

Cavendish Management Resources
31 Harley Street,
London W1G 9QS
Tel: 020 7636 1744 Fax: 020 7636 5639
Email: cmr@cmruk.com