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Forthcoming changes in ISO 9000 will require some adjustments in many companies. There are also opportunities.
‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’ to de-mystify ISO 9000 and have a Quality Management System that helps to drive the business.
‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’ to achieve independent recognition of our commitment to satisfy our customers through certification to ISO 9000 – without unnecessary bureaucracy and paperwork.
‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’ to be able to anticipate and respond to the needs and expectations of our customers.
‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’ to save costs through better control of our processes, assuring better product and service performance.
‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’ to have an independent, qualified expert conduct an audit of our business, and then provide us with straightforward, cost-effective solutions to help improve performance.
Building performance not compliance

RMC is pleased to offer the following quality consultancy services:
Gap analysis: identification of what really needs to be done to ensure continued compliance during the transitional period.
  Detailed planning and implementation of the necessary measures to promote:

¨       Top management leadership

¨       Customer satisfaction

¨       Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers

¨       Continual improvement

Active help in achieving and maintaining ISO 9000 Certification, including:

¨       Full project management

¨       Executive briefings

¨       Training programmes

¨       Audit programmes

¨       Integration with environmental and health and safety management systems


Normally this level of expertise could be expensive, but by arranging involvement to suit your company’s situation, RMC can offer you a, cost-effective package.

For example, by contracting out elements of quality management to a flexible resource, you will have access to wider, up-to-date expertise with consequent financial savings!

You may qualify for a free, no obligation prognosis.

The Next Step
To obtain more information, please contact RMC head office on 020-7636-1744 or as below.

Venture capital | Business funding | Executive Recruitment | Management Provider | Senior Executive Network | Investor and Corporate Ventures
Interim Management and Consultancy | Business Propositions | Executive Appointments | Businesses Entrepreneur and Innovators
Management Support and Consultancy | Mergers and Acquisitions | Company Sales | Business Planning Service

Cavendish Management Resources
31 Harley Street,
London W1G 9QS
Tel: 020 7636 1744 Fax: 020 7636 5639
Email: cmr@cmruk.com