CMR MBI Programme -
Management Buy-in
Transform your career by
running your own business
Sell your business to an
experienced executive
best way for entrepreneurial
senior executives to build
their own successful
business and true financial
independence - individually
or as part of a team
For senior executives looking to run their own
business, the MBI-purchase of an existing, proven business makes far more
sense than trying to start-up a new business from scratch with all the risks
that entails. MBI is a serious career route for all senior executives
having the necessary entrepreneurial skills and motivation.
For owners of
private businesses it is a real
challenge to find suitable buyers, especially for retirement sales. Children
no longer wish to take over family firms and with the changing economy trade
sales are no longer so easy or rewarding. In parallel, many senior
experienced executives are looking to control their own destiny and run
their own business. The challenge is matching candidates with opportunities.
Programme starts with a preliminary discussion with business owners who are
interested in examining the possibilities for selling their business.
The CMR executive handling that discussion will be able to fully inform on
the merits of going a conventional sale route (for which CMR provides an
excellent service through its Company Sale Division), and/or going the MBI
route. In many cases the advice to the owner will be to go both routes
If the business is considered suitable for the MBI
route, the CMR executive will review with the owner the attractiveness of
the business to buyers, and advise on changes that should be made and in the
way the proposition should be presented. Normally this preliminary
review will be free-of-charge. Any specific work required to bring the
proposition to the point that it can be introduced to buyers/MBI'ers will be
discussed and fees pre-agreed with the owner. If there are any
weaknesses in the business that need to be addressed before putting up for
sale, CMR will be able to provide the resources and advise on action needed.
When the business is considered to be 'MBI-ready' the
proposition will be directly introduced to CMR's MBI Executives/ Investors
for consideration. Whilst a certain amount of pre-vetting has already
happened, it must be emphasised that responsibility for taking independent
professional advice and due diligence rests solely with those making an
offer for the business.
The proposition will be directly notified to those CMR
MBI Members where there is a good fit with their stated preferences.
It will also be placed on the CMR MBI Website, and there will be regular
newsletters to CMR MBI Members listing all MBI propositions received and
Up to this point, CMR's service to its MBI Executives/
Investors has been free-of-charge. To take an interest in a
proposition further, the MBI Member will need to upgrade to CMR Associate
(RMC) Membership or above, which then gives access to all of CMR's
facilities and resources (click
for details). If/when a company purchase/MBI is completed a
fee is payable to CMR by the company purchasers of 0.5% of the total
purchase price.
CMR provides the resources and help needed to make the
MBI experience as easy and as straightforward as possible - from the
presentation of 'vetted' opportunities, to all the skill and financial
resources needed, plus help and training to make success more assured.
For more details on the CMR MBI Training Seminar please
click here
It's free to join as a CMR MBI Executive Member - it will open many
potential opportunities and widen horizons for all.
Register as a free CMR MBI
Executive Member -
click here