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As every inventor will know, there are very many barriers put in the way to stop inventors from achieving commercial success. It's almost as if 'the system' is designed to frustrate innovators and make it highly unlikely that their ideas will ever see the commercial light of day. To a certain extent, inventors themselves are partly responsible for this state of affairs - there are sadly, many more self-declared inventors who do not have viable inventions, than there are who do have ideas with good commercial potential. Unfortunately, the former tend to clog the system, with the result that many corporations now have very effective ways for keeping-out all those with ideas, including of course, those with good inventions!

Dr. Allen Barnatt


The way around this problem is for the inventor to contact a professional intermediary, who will consider the idea and if considered commercially viable, will help to develop the idea into the marketplace. However, there is an important warning to be given here; there are regrettably a number of organisations who whilst claiming to help inventors, are really in the business of trying to extract money from them. Our very strong advice to all inventors is; do not pay money to such organisations, unless you are quite certain that they are bona fide - many are not!

The other important question for an inventor to ask is; do I try to develop the idea myself, or do I find a large corporation to take my idea under license? The answer will partly depend on the nature of the invention, the strength of patents or copyright, and of course, on the amount of money needed to develop it commercially. To do the former will require money - possibly quite a lot. To go the second, licensing route, will require a very strong patent or copyright position.

CMR is one of very few organisations with the ability to help inventors in both directions. CMR has access to over 3,500 private investors, as well as institutional investors, many of whom are looking for GOOD ideas to back. CMR also has a professional division specifically handling the international licensing of inventions to large corporations around the world. This enables CMR to give objective advice to inventors on the best way to go in commercially developing their idea. Another good thing is that CMR charges no up-front fees, but only benefits from successes actually achieved. Of course, it does mean that CMR will not take on-board any inventions or ideas it does not believe can be commercially successful.

By asking CMR to review your invention or idea, you will get an honest answer - unlike those organisations who charge up-front fees, who always say the idea is good, to encourage people to go to the next stage of paying money over! If CMR doesn't like your idea, we will say so, and if there is any helpful advice we can give, we will!

Finally, before going on to describe CMR's service to inventors in more detail, we must give a warning and advice on the subject of maintaining confidentiality in your invention, particularly if you have not yet filed a patent application. Until you have filed an application, you should talk to no one unless they are known personally to you, and you have the utmost faith in them. Even after filing the application, you should only discuss your invention with those you can trust, and with whom you have a signed confidentiality agreement (CDA). CMR will always give you a signed CDA before discussing your invention in detail.

For more details on CMR's IPR/ International Licensing Programme, click here 

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