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FundEX™ - the best way to raise business funds

  • No success fees until funded - then only small*
  • Free phone advice available - click to request (UK & Ireland)
  • Successfully funding businesses since 1984                
  • Massive investor base gives best chance for success
  • Expert advice from CMR to help you achieve objectives




Not an 'ordinary' online listing, CMR's FundEX is a fully comprehensive service making sure your request for funding has the best possible chance of success.   Using CMR's FundEX you have access to CMR's investors in the UK and around the world - who are interested to invest in businesses and ideas in the UK, Ireland and globally.

*With FundEX there is no upfront cost.  Your advertisement will be seen by all our potential investors in the UK, Ireland and internationally. 

*CMR does not charge upfront success fees and there is a small fee of 2% (reducing to 0.25% on larger investment size) payable only when you have received the investment via FundEX. You are also free to look elsewhere for investors.

              You pay no fees until you have received the investor's money!


 ░► CMR's expert executives can advise on changes that could make your proposition more attractive to investors and make the business itself more viable and profitable.

 ░► A CMR senior executive will make contact to review how your proposition is being received and to see if there are changes that should be made or alternative ways ahead.  You can request to have this review before publication of your proposition, or wait to see what initial investor responses are obtained.

 ░► If appropriate, they can also arrange for your proposition to be specially presented to CMR's inner circle of investors (for a slightly higher success fee) - that can improve the chances of success.  Without cost, you can also add-in a video for maximum impact.  There is a higher success fee (5% reducing on size) for this special service.

 ░► There is no charge from CMR for the initial senior executive review and if it is agreed that further work is needed, this will be on a basis pre-agreed with you.  You can request that contact and expert review without waiting - just by clicking the appropriate button on the next page.  

 ░► You can get free advice on the phone before starting - click here to request (UK & Ireland)                                                               

CMR is the most successful and longest established company (1984) providing both investor and management support to businesses and entrepreneurs in the UK, Ireland and globally. 

Using FundEX is easy:

1) Click the link below - to input registration & proposition details.

2) If you would like immediate CMR executive help - click Step 4

  Your proposition will be shown on FundEX.  In addition, all investors are regularly sent CMR's Investor Newsletter - the next edition will include your proposition.  You will be personally contacted by a CMR Senior Executive to see if we can help you further.

  When an investor is interested, they click a button and the FundEX system will send you their message and contact details. There is no charge for simply being contacted by an investor - the nominal success fees are only payable after you have actually received money from the investor(s).  You can then make direct contact and progress with the investor yourself.  If you need any help please simply email us cmr@cmrworld.com and someone from CMR will contact you to discuss.  Remember that upon receiving the investor's funding you must pay CMR the agreed success fees.




Click to request FREE CMR executive contact to discuss (UK & Ireland)

                     New Investors register (free) here                Full CMR Website - click here            Fundex website (full)

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