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Maximise sales value of your business

Sell business quickly

Expert advice to make right decisions

Selling strategies

Price at right level

Target all potential buyers

Market the business professionally

Negotiate and Complete with expert support

Contact us for a free confidential consultation on the way forward

David Staveley, Director Company Sales, M&A

Sell your business quickly

Everyone would like to sell their business at the price sought and without delay.  Sadly that does not always happen. Many people suffer a protracted selling process or even worse - will not sell at all.

An adverse effect of any protracted process is that the owner takes his eye off the day-to-day running of the business with a resultant decline in the performance and therefore the value of the company.

This tends to happen when sellers have not properly prepared the business or the presentation before putting it on the market.  It also happens when people approach the selling process in a half-hearted manner, when a clear sales strategy has neither been agreed upon or actioned.

Many sellers go to a company sales agency that merely lists their business together with many others, in the hope that a suitable buyer will simply appear.  This is a sloppy way of trying to sell a business. This method will leave sellers disappointed and their businesses under-valued.  This is not the CMR approach!

CMR makes sure that the business is properly prepared and presented. Then we specifically and strategically target those buyer groups that are likely to be interested in the business at the price sought.  Those potential buyers will be approached on a strictly confidential basis within the same timeframe - our objective is to encourage as many serious buyers as possible to compete in the race to win the company.

We therefore avoid the prevarication and extended negotiation process that often occurs when there is only one potential buyer involved.  We have found that this is the best way to achieve the price sought and complete the sale in the shortest possible time.

To discuss the sale of your business, please phone (0207-636-1744) or email to or complete this online form







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