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Maximise sales value of your business

Sell business quickly

Expert advice to make right decisions

Selling strategies

Price at right level

Target all potential buyers

Market the business professionally

Negotiate and Complete with expert support

Contact us for a free confidential consultation on the way forward

David Staveley, Director Company Sales, M&A

Negotiate & complete

The final stage is to negotiate with all the buyers who have indicated an interest.  If the process runs true to form, there will be some serious potential buyers and some that fall into the tyre-kicking category.  Obviously we only want to spend time with the former but the apparent tyre kickers can not all be discounted as they can end up as serious purchasers. To a large extent the degree of negotiation strength will depend on whether there is a competitive buyer situation and our ability to put over the strategic fit between two businesses – very often the people at lower levels in a group are unaware of the benefits to their organization outside their own division!

A guiding principle in negotiation is to try to look at the situation from the other guy's viewpoint - in this way, it is far more likely to hammer-out a deal that stands a good chance of being accepted.

Realism is essential in coming to deals, and a benefit of having CMR's experts onside is the sum total of our rational views, opinions and specialised experience.  We can also act as the intermediary, which means that the owner's position remains unsullied by the rough and tumble of negotiation and they can intervene as appropriate. The final decision is, of course, always entirely down to the owner.

When an outline deal has been reached, it is crucial that the owner seeks independent professional advice, especially on legal and taxation matters.

To discuss the sale of your company in absolute confidence - please contact CMR by phone (0207-636-1744) or email to or complete this online form








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